As cities around the world embrace sustainable transportation options, bicycles have gained popularity as a means of commuting and recreation. Delhi, the heart of the nation, faces challenges of traffic congestion and air pollution. Amidst this, the Delhi Metro...
In New Delhi, Sh. Pankaj Singh, newly appointed President of the Cycling Federation of India (CFI), proudly introduced the federation's widely anticipated Logo Launch for Cycling Organization on Wednesday. Sh. Maninder Pal Singh, Secretary General of CFI, was with...
The third edition of the Dwarka Cyclothon was held in Dwarka, a city in western New Delhi, India. The purpose of this event is to promote cycling as a mode of transit and a healthy lifestyle, as well as...
Cycling has been a passion of mine for many years now, and it has brought me a great deal of joy and satisfaction. However, it has also been an investment in terms of time, money, and energy. In this...
With the growing rise in cyclists in the city and post-pandemic awareness about health, now people are more focused on their health and fitness. Keeping fitness and health in mind, Dwarka cycling community, the leading hospital of Dwarka, Ayushman...
India, the host of the Asian Track Cycling Championship started the championship with flying colours with 10 medals on day one, including a gold.
it's such a wonderful time being part of the cycling community, especially when cycling as a sport is evolving everywhere in the world. Asia is not too far from the craze.
We are glad that Asian Track Cycling Championship will... NameLocationDate/Tentative Calendar1Asian Track Cycling ChampionshipsNew Delhi18th-22nd June 20222National Mountain Bike ChampionshipsTBDSep 20223National Road Cycling ChampionshipsTBDTBD4UCI Level 1 & 2 Coaching Course at WCC Satellite IndiaNew DelhiNov 20225Training of Asian Riders At WCC Satellite IndiaNew DelhiNov 20226Asia Cup 2022New...
Cycling in India has been considered poor man’s commute for ages, but not anymore. Post lockdown, the Indian cycling market has seen a surge of over 400% in the sale of cycles and their accessories. The cycles which were...