Group of people cycling and pushing their bike off road

It was early morning, after cycling we all have been chatting with fellow riders (I call them, brothers, like family) about new tech, tires, upgrades, food and accessories for cycling. Of course it is fun to discuss these things as some of these are so expensive or a recurring expense if you have upgraded recently. So the discussion lands on the ground of if someone buys new stuff, a new bike, tire, frame or any accessories. It is a wow feeling to the smile and happiness on the face of the brother in the group.

I realized, that we all whether having a beginner bike or advanced pro bikes, keep upgrading it even if it’s best in that budget category. Since riding is a social activity whereas I am personally part of 6 groups and these groups are essential to motivate me to ride these are the rider reason for many of my upgrades. So I realized, that every group would have spending power and total net worth of bikes and accessories bought.

This network comprises the total cost of all bikes you have in the group, and how much money each is spending every year on cycling (including accessories, upgrades or food). You can guess how rich is your group.

Another aspect for me of the net worth of the group is, how connected the group member are to each other. Is it a brotherly relationship or it’s just a fellow group member relationship? I can tell you, the number of members in the group can not decide the closeness within the members of the group. It’s a cordial feeling for each other. This trust factor would make the group stronger and long-lasting making it most worthy of all.

So what do you think, how much worth you feel in your group? If you are part of more than one, do you feel the energy of each group is different form than other? What does make your group special? I would be happy to have your reactions on these…

I wish you all a happy ride and a high net worth group…. Cheers


  1. Who cares. My cycling friends come from all walks of life. From truck drivers to doctors. No one cares what you ride. How you ride is what matters.


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