We have come a long way in cycling, but it’s very unbelievable the safety standard on road, especially on Indian roads where cyclists have no right to present.

it’s a matter of grief and shock for all of us in Delhi, losing a dear friend to a cycling accident. The moment I woke up and got the news of the accident and believed that it could be a minor one. The result was unbelievable and unacceptable that we lost him.

Many of us know him as a genuine and kind guy, met him often at a chai station and we had a great laugh together. Unlike others, he was passionate about his rides and so friendly with other riders as well.

Though I don’t have exact information about how this has happened, unfortunately i could not stop writing about this. May his soul find the peace.

After his demise I realise, how frazile we are while cycling on road where you are not given the due respect. Everyone is in hurry to cross you, overtake you or pitty on you while they see you are riding.

This is a realization and time for action for all of us to do something for the safety. I would want to do something about it so that we dont hear such news in the future happening with someone else. I have some ideas that we can execute but would request everyone who can contribute to the ideas of making it safer for all of us. Your ideas may help us to save lives of other fellow cyclists. Pls do share it in the comment box.

I will upate you soon with something from our side that could be a help the cyclists. I wish best and safe cycling to everyone.




We will miss you brother!!


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