How Many Calories Does Cycling Really Burn?


What’s possible in a week? If you dedicated yourself to cycling, you could achieve your calories burn goals faster than other fitness activities. What makes cycling different than other activities is that it does not make you tired fast unless you try any insurmountable task for yourself.

So the question is how many calories cycling can burn?

Let’s first understand cycling as it is. Cycling as a sport or fitness activity comes in different shapes and sizes. A road bike may be easier to ride therefore, fewer calories burnt compared to the same distance cycling done with a mountain bike with thick tires.

The calories burn also depends on other factors such as climb, road condition, personal fitness, distance covered, average speed, the gear ratio; and weather & wind conditions. Usually, ride and calories burnt are not the same for everyone. A beginner may burn more calories compared to a pro who is accustomed to the same sort of milestones.

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Your weight also defines your calories burn as a heavier body needs more push towards ahead. Generally, a 100 km ride will consume between 2000-5000 Kcalories during the ride considering all factors affecting the ride.

Once you start your ride with a 5 km distance and reach to 100 km milestone after a couple of months of regular rides. Your calories burn for the 5 km or 10 km will keep decreasing. This decrease becomes steep initially and stabilizes once the body is accustomed to the regular limits.

So how you set your target to the desired calorie burn every day?

You can begin with three ways:

1- Increase your distance covered:
This method is useful if you are a beginner and ride a very short distance within the city. You could challenge your city limits and keep the distance in incremental order every week. One may not go from 10 km to 50 km directly, but gradual incremental progress will help you to adapt to these distances.

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2- Increase your speed
If you have achieved the first milestone of going little beyond the city limits. You then can improve your speed over the same distance. This is very helpful for those intermediate riders, who do not want to ride for 3-4 hours every day but want to burn more calories within 1-2 hours over a short ride.

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Your demand for speed for a short ride will require more fuel consumption from the body. This demand is subsequently increasing the calorie burn even not going very far from the place you started.

3- Go for the incline
If you are still not satisfied with eh calorie burn, time spent, and distance covered, you definitely should go for an incline often. Each elevation ride will make sure that you got to pedal harder towards the calorie milestones.

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4- Go Fat Tires.
Your thin tires may make it easy to ride faster, ride far and climb easier; as road bikes, thin tires are made to achieve all these elements. As a fitness enthusiast if you are looking to burn more calories, go for thicker tires, go gravel, hybrid, or high friction tires that ask for higher intensity from you without sacrificing your overall objectives. Fat tire bikes are the most difficult form of the ride if you want to ride faster on an incline.

Your calories burned will depend on the all choices you make during your ride, location, and weather conditions. It is easy to lose more calories without going for a 100K ride. Just try the above and do let us know what do you feel about it.

Happy Riding!


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