Effect of cycling on your balls: Does excessive cycling have a risk of sexual problems for males?


Cycling is a fun activity enjoyed by people of all ages and genders as a tool for health and fitness. Though cycling has many benefits for physical and mental health, it might adversely affect your sexual health, especially if done with the wrong size bike. It can create sexual issues, including erectile dysfunction in men who opt for long-range cycling with the wrong size bike.

While cycling, our overall weight is on the saddle, making hips and sexual organs incorrectly pressurized during cycling. The wrong size bike is mainly a discomfort for the lower body part, which might create genital numbness, skin irritations, and soreness.

As per a few reports, men who cycle a lot can also experience changes to their sperm’s function because of the excessive heat generated in the genital area. Though there is no direct connection between male fertility being affected or any male sexual health issue by cycling.

Numbness is the most common thing felt by most male riders due to saddle incompatibility. Another reason for having continuous friction in the area might create abrasions, chafing, and bruising in the bottom area.

Choosing the right size bike, a hip-compatible saddle, comfortable clothing with high-quality material, padded shorts, and taking regular breaks during your long-distance cycling are advisable.

At the same time, personal hygiene is mandatory to avoid any sort of infection on the abrasion or chafing.

In case of chafing, it is advisable to visit a doctor, use prescribed medicine, and avoid cycling for a while until fully recovered. Continuously monitor your padded shorts and short material for any kind of skin friction.

For beginners, it is recommended not to opt for long-distance cycling without regular training. Gradual improvement in your cycling distance and speed could help you have a good weight balance on the saddle to avoid numbness.

Overall, it is advisable to visit the experts for their advice on a bike fit, saddle compatibility, and medical attention if needed.

Kind Attention: Cycling is not a gender-specific sport. The thoughts in this article are a compiled reflection of thoughts and research input shared by various sources. The effect of cycling on your personal health could vary. It’s not medical advice.

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