INDIA- 26th Senior, Junior & Sub Junior National Road Cycling Championships

The 26th National Road Cycling Championships are announced. Here are the details for Senior, Junior and Sub-Junior Categories. Date- 25th to 28th November 2021 Location- Kurukshetra, Haryana For more details visit

INDIA- 18th Senior, Junior & Sub Junior National Mountain Bike Cycling Championships

The dates for the 18th Senior. Junior and sub Junior National Mountain Bike Cycling Championships are out. This time the championship is being held in Pune. Here are the...

Wobbly wheel? Learn the trick to solve this issue.

When we ask ourselves, what makes the experience of riding so well? It is a great performing bike. In bike performance, cycle wheels are key factors. A non-true wheel...

Buying cycle components and accessories online? Read this before you go for it.

In the world of e-commerce and digital dependence, things look accessible, affordable, and hassle-free on web portals. You should be very cautious of buying expensive components and you can be open to experiments with low-cost affordable accessories.


In this world of fast pace lifestyle, the question is why still people are in love with cycling. It's a question for those who have not started exploring life...

How to ride your first 50 & 100 Kms?

Crazy about numbers? Yes, it matters! We all want to see progress in our lives; therefore, it's not new to cycling. Setting goals and measuring your performance can enhance...

The Cycling Cafe_In Conversation with Chetan Shah

Here’s a tale that will inspire you to stop giving excuses and take that extra mile. This is a story of how courage and willpower can help you overcome any obstacles to achieve your biggest goals in life. Watch how Chetan Shah overcame his struggles of heart bypass, brain tumor surgery and a knee replacement not to just get up and walk again, but ride over 100000 Kms and his endeavor to inspire others during his journey!

5 must-have foods for cyclists!

While the number of cyclists on the road is increasing manifold, and the number of hours each rider is now pedaling is also on the rise, many questions come...
cycling as the future of transportation

5 Reasons you should have an e-bike in your garage!

With the burden of increasing petrol prices and EMI for cars, many people have now started to search for alternatives, which not only give them some respite from these...