Can I take my bicycle on the local train in Mumbai?


Mumbai local (Local Railway) is the lifeline of Mumbai city. It’s similar to the Subway system of New York, the Tube of London, OR the Delhi Metro System of New Delhi. The metropolitan city Mumbai has dense traffic and limited road infrastructure but also has one of the most active numbers of cyclists in India.  

The people of Mumbai widely depend on Mumbai locals for their travel within the city. What we find is that there is no linkage between the local train system and cyclists. Therefore, we are often asked if we can take our bikes on the local train in Mumbai.

The answer is YES and NO. To better explain this, let me share why you can and cannot carry your bicycle in Mumbai Local.

Cycle ticket in Mumbai Local
  1. There are no clear guidelines to carry the cycle on the train but yes, you can take it as luggage.
  2. Yes. You can take your bicycle in the luggage compartment but not in the passenger compartment.  The answer is simple, Mumbai local is already super burdened and overcrowded with the people in each coach whereas thinking of going inside with the bicycle is a wild imagination.
  3. You can carry a bicycle in the luggage compartment but for that, you need a separate one-way ticket for the bicycle, which generally ranges between 150 -300 Indian Rupees.
  4. Though you can’t take it in passenger coach due to crowd, some people might do that in non-peak hours and that is illegal. If you are found to carry bicycle without a ticket, you might get fined by the TC (ticket collector) which might cost you little more than the bicycle ticket.
  5. At the same time, you could find that some railway station in charge will not be aware of the ticketing for the cycle which is strange but you can request them to ticket something so that you are not fined on the way.
  6. It is advisable not to carry the bike in the general/passenger compartments as it might create inconvenience to others and would be disrespectful to the rules. It also might become a reason for an altercation with other passengers who would not appreciate the idea. 
  7. If you wish to travel by bike the passenger coach foldie (foldable bike) is an excellent option.
  8. Please note- The ticket for the cycle will not be issued at the general counter, you have to check at the enquiry counter or parcel office and TC (ticket collector) for the same.
  9. Thinking of carrying a cycle during office hours, I would say that could be very challenging for you if you don’t have a foldable bicycle. This will have an unnecessary hassle for you to carry the cycle on the crowded platform and then collect it at the end of a journey which will take more time.
  10. Don’t think of cycling on the platform. That is punishable and against the laws.
  11. You can carry a foldable cycle in the newly developed Mumbai metro. (We are not too sure about it. Pls do check it before, some stations could reject it.)

We think cycling should be a cherry on the cake for passengers who are saving time, monies and reducing pollution at the same time would create a healthy society. It’s time for all of us to raise awareness about our demand to carry bicycles on the Indian Railway without any hassle. We can demand from authorises the following

  • Special compartment for people with bicycle
  • Special compartment for cycles only (if not cyclists) with proper stands.
  • Cycle hanging mechanism outside (At the beginning/end) of the train
  • Hassle-free ticking system or monthly travel pass for cyclists (people with cycles)
  • Subsidy or benefits of people opting cycle as commute.
  • Cycle parking station outside railway station for those we would reach to the station by cycle.
  • Rental Cycling facilities at the railway stations.

Before we finish, let me congratulate all of you for considering cycling a commute option that will help the environment and save money, and time, and is also good for your health!

If you have special experience or questions regarding cycling in Mumbai local or Indian Railways across India, pls do share with us in the comment box.


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