Safety Tips for Winter Biking

All you need to get out on your bike on a chilly morning is enthusiasm and a love of biking. This morning ride can turn a little uncomfortable if the conditions are not favourable for biking, especially on the road. There are a few tips to make your ride safe and comfortable on a chilly morning.

winter biking

All you need to get out on your bike on a chilly morning is enthusiasm and a love of biking. This morning ride can turn a little uncomfortable if the conditions are not favorable for biking, especially on the road. There are a few tips to make your winter biking ride safe and comfortable on a chilly morning.

Keep this in mind!!!

Slow down and don’t hesitate to dismount, always expect to take a longer time to reach your destination, and don’t put too much exertion on your body. The roads would be slippery so peddle slowly and used lower gears. Also, if the road is slick and your break is wet, it will take longer to stop. Don’t put yourself in a dangerous situation.  Taking a longer curve and staying upright on the corners is important while riding on a wet road on a winter morning.

Adjustment in the bike!!!!!

Keep the pressure a little low during the winter biking, this will give you a little more surface and hence more friction. If possible, also go with wider tiers with studded grip. Also, get a fender which helps street slush off your clothes. Winter mornings are darker than the summer, so it is a good idea to keep one light in the front of the bike and reflectors on all sides.  

What to wear!!!

Don’t try to overdress while winter biking, peddle for a few minutes produces enough heat to keep to warm. You should try to start your ride with just enough clothes so that you still feel a little chill. Waring multiple layers will produce lots of sweat and the chilly morning wind will take away the heat from your body. It is also important to wear glasses as low temperatures can lead to eye water, just keep in mind, sometimes glasses get foggy in the cold weather. The most important thing is always to wear a helmet while riding a bike.

These are some tips and precautions that can make your winter biking ride much safer and enjoyable.

Wanna know about summer ride..


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